Alexander Hamilton Academy is a K-8 school located at 11-27 16th Ave., Paterson, NJ 07501

Contact Information:

  • Phone: 973-321-0320
  • Principal: Cosmo Braico
  • Vice Principal: Jennifer Cassini
  • Guidance Counselor: Robert Schiller
  • School Nurse: Anna Cargil

School Hours:

  • Start Time: 8:15 AM
  • End Time: 3:00 PM
  • Breakfast: 8:20 AM - 8:40 AM

Anti-Bullying Contacts:

District Anti-Bullying Specialist:

Enrollment Information: Alexander Hamilton Academy is one of the choice schools in the Paterson Public School district for Kindergarten enrollment. Applications are typically available in February, with a lottery conducted in March. Parents are notified if their child receives a seat; those not accepted are placed on a waitlist.

Emergency Procedures: In emergencies, information is posted on the district’s website and social media platforms. A recorded message is also sent to all student households via the telephone notification system. For weather-related closures or delays, parents can call the District Hotline at 973-321-0911 or check local news outlets.

Additional Resources:


Emergency Remote Learning Plan 

Period       Times
Homeroom  8:20-8:35
1 8:35-9:05
2 9:05-9:35
3 9:35-10:05
4 10:05- 10:45
5 10:45-11:25
6 11:25-12:05
7 12:05-12:45
8 12:45-1:15
9 1:15-1:45
Work on Assignments/Interventions  1:45-2:30
Wellness and Movement Session 2:30-3:30

 Student Expectations:

· When working remotely, ensure that you are logged into Google Meet for each class on time for synchronous instruction, as attendance will be recorded.

· Participate in Google Meets established by your teachers and log off the Meet at the close of the lesson. The teacher should be the last person to log off the Meet.

· Complete and submit assignments as per the assignment’s due date.

· Respond to all teacher emails within 24 hours.

· Contact your teacher if you experience technological difficulties, internet interruption, when having trouble completing an assignment or if extra support is needed.

· Continue to participate in the extended learning opportunities in which you are enrolled via the remote platform